BGI Awarded GSA MAS Contract for Flight Training

BGI Awarded a GSA MAS Contract for Flight Training

What exactly is GSA MAS?

GSA MAS stands for the General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program. It is the premier contract vehicle for the federal government, facilitating long-term, government-wide contracts between commercial suppliers and federal buyers. Through the MAS Program, federal buyers gain access to millions of commercial products and services at negotiated ceiling prices, representing approximately 21 percent of overall federal procurement spending—about $42 billion per year!

Structure of GSA MAS

The GSA MAS solicitation is organized into Large Categories, Subcategories, and Special Item Numbers (SINs). Currently, there are 12 large categories representing a diverse array of products and services. These are further refined into 83 subcategories and over 300 SINs, each mapped to corresponding North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes.

Opportunities for Schedule Holders

Holding a Schedule contract can open numerous business opportunities for companies like BGI, but it requires continuous effort and commitment. A Schedule contract must be actively managed, marketed, and pursued for opportunities. Winning a Schedule contract is not an endpoint but rather a means to achieving broader business goals.

BGI’s GSA MAS Contract Award

We are excited to announce that BGI has been awarded GSA MAS contract number 47QRAA24D0088 effective today. Please note that it will take a few weeks before the contract information is accessible in the GSA systems.

BGI’s Anticipated Offerings under GSA MAS

BGI plans to offer services under the GSA Schedule Category Flight Training. The Professional Services Category provides innovative solutions for professional services needs across federal, state, and local governments. The Training Subcategory encompasses various services including Business Administrative, Environmental, Financial, Identity Protection, Language, Legal, Logistical, Non-IT Technical and Engineering Services, Marketing and Public Relations, and Training.

Since its founding in 1994, BGI has integrated operational, technical, and engineering expertise to enhance customer capabilities in aviation, defense, and national security training programs. BGI will continue this legacy by offering services under the following Subcategory and new SIN:

  • 611512 Flight Training: This SIN includes all professional services associated with aviation and flight training.

Labor Categories Offered by BGI

BGI anticipates offering a variety of labor categories such as Senior Operational Analyst, Junior Operational Analyst, Associate Operational Analyst, and Senior Maintenance Analyst, in support of the following core services:

  • Aircrew Training Device Instruction
  • Aircrew Classroom Instruction, Performance Evaluation, and Remedial Instruction
  • Aviation Training System Design, Installation, Configuration, and Testing
  • Training and Operational Requirements Analysis
  • Aviation Service/Product Testing and Design Requirements Validation
  • Flight Instruction

Why Buy from BGI through a Schedule Contract?

  • Streamlined Procedures: Increased acquisition speed
  • Access to Small Businesses: Supports required socioeconomic goals
  • FAR Compliant & Pre-Qualified: Mitigates risk to performance and delivery
  • Pre-Negotiated Ceiling Prices: Best value for our Most Favored Customer
  • Access to Emerging Technologies & Innovative Solutions: Benefit from the industry’s best

How to Buy from BGI through GSA Schedules

Prospective clients can purchase services either non-competitively or competitively. A Statement of Work (SOW) may be required for services priced at hourly rates or Time and Materials (T&M)-type contracts, or it may not be required for supplies and Firm Fixed Price (FFP)-type contracts, as directed by acquisition regulations.

Sole Source clients can contact BGI directly to inquire about services offered under SIN 611512. The GSA eLibrary provides detailed information online. Once BGI’s contract information becomes accessible, all pertinent details, including solicitation, terms and conditions, clauses, and socioeconomic status, will be available.

All purchases, regardless of competition type, will be made via GSA Advantage! and through the release of Requests for Information (RFIs) and Requests for Quotes (RFQs) via eBuy. This process ensures that buyers save time and money, while GSA manages the single master contract vehicle to fulfill complex or ongoing needs, thereby reducing the overall contract awards and administration burden. Clients benefit from BGI’s proven excellence and innovative solutions at guaranteed lowest rates.

For more information on how BGI can support your training and operational needs through GSA MAS, visit our website or contact us directly.


BGI Competes in AFWERX Challenge – Accelerating Pilots to Combat-Ready Aviators

BGI proposed an innovative solution to streamline the development of newly-winged pilots into Combat-Ready Aviators. Teamed with Two Blue Aces LLC, BGI submitted a unique Pilot Coaching plan centered on connecting elite combat-veteran coaches with individual FTU pilots to develop the human capital required in future combat aviation using modern, standardized and integrated tools. Our coaches enhance the individual’s critical combat training skills as well as the development of their warrior ethos. The result of this process, which is scalable across the CAF, develops more capable wingmen and a stronger foundation for future Air Force leadership.

The BGI/TBA team delivers a powerful mix of personalized coaches including tactically relevant F-16 SMEs and former senior Air Force leaders to a class of pilots in the fighter pipeline. Hand-selected coaches pair with students at the beginning of an F-16 basic course class and follow them through the CMR check-ride. These coaches provide tools/skills for students to develop critical thinking abilities and airborne leadership skills while instilling a strong sense of USAF aviation heritage and culture. The coaches cultivate growth of individual pilot’s strengths and improve weaknesses identified in the process.

During each syllabus phase, coaches schedule mentoring blocks within each training module. These coaching sessions provide extensive depth and perspective to the F-16’s mission and the wingman’s role in complex combat missions. Active coaching complements traditional training by providing a unique and innovative additive to pilot development.

All information exchanges are collected and available to be data-mined for future use and process improvement. The program will be validated using objective syllabus completion data and subjective exit interviews. Student pilots and combat unit leadership will complete surveys related to pilot critical thinking skills, maturity and overall combat mission readiness.
As additional value to the Air Force, these relationships will endure throughout the pilots’ Air Force career, allowing the seeds of change to thrive from within. Combat squadrons require unique cohesion as well as a common operating picture. In previous generations, this was done organically and occurred naturally with a much larger fighting force and breadth of experience. Today’s combat squadrons are increasingly less experienced due to increased operations tempo, reduced manning, accelerated syllabi and overall less “touchpoints” for culture enrichment and coaching opportunities.

This holistic approach to combat aviator development, readiness and leadership will accelerate proficiency, reduce the re-fly rate and result in definitive cost/time savings. This model is applicable across the combat aviator training spectrum. It can be an integrated effort across Air Combat, Global Strike, Training, Mobility and Special Operations commands.